Sunday, June 23, 2013

My testimony...

     I am so thankful for the opportunity I have to get a higher education.  The Pathway Program is an inspired work and I am grateful to be a part of it.  This semester, my Teachings of the Prophets class has given me an opportunity to create a blog for my family and friends to enjoy, but most of all to collect many special words of advice given to us by our prophets and apostles.  I love hearing them in General Conferences and love being able to read and study their words.  I love the Lord.  I want to obey His counsel and teach our family of all the benefits in living the way Heavenly Father wants us to live.  It is all for our sake, so we can return to Him someday.  Let us all be valiant and strong in our convictions and examples to those around us.  I am so grateful for the temples, that give us peace and solitude in these busy times, where we can step away from the world and feel close to Heavenly Father.  I love doing temple work and the experiences of growing and love I feel there.  I love being a wife and a mother.  May I always be able to strive to be diligent in showing the unconditional love that our Savior shows for me.  I am grateful for Jospeh Smith.  What an amazing experience he had at such a young age, and was willing to stay strong in what he knew was right.  May we all grow, learn and love what is here for us to learn and seek ALWAYS the kingdom of Heaven.